Home An Oasis Administrivia August 2004 Stats
In case anyone is interested here now are summary site stats for August 2004:
Excluding bots there were 48496 page views from 29070 visits from 21177
visitors. Monday is the busiest day of the week (last month it was Wednesday). 5pm was the busiest time of day. Average visit duration is 130 seconds. Windows accounts for 76.8% of visits. MS Internet Explorer accounts for 73.3% up slightly on last month when security concerns seemed to impact IE usage.
52.1% of visitors come from search engines with Google topping the list (18931) then Yahoo! (1271), MSN (838) and AOL (407). 5841 different keyphrases brought people to An Oasis.
Posted by Paul in Administrivia An Oasis at September 6, 2004 09:29 PM | 0 Comments | Browse Related Books